Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I'm looking for some friends

I'm working on some posts about our trip to Paris for later in the week--actually, that vacation may take a couple of weeks to showcase, but until then...

Hello there Ladies and fellow bloggers!  I'm looking for a couple of other bloggers with similar reader numbers and audiences as mine to do a feature swap with me.  Nothing fancy--just a few words about ourselves and some awesome photos to go along with it--that we share on each others' blogs as a way of introducing ourselves and inviting more readers to our blogs.  Kind of like a button swap, except with just a little bit more umph! If you are interested, please email me at torysmama@gmail.com so that we can work out the details!  I'd love at least a couple of other expat military wives living here in Europe, but am up for anything! Thanks!

I'd love your vote!  Please help me "climb the ranks" of the top mommy blog!  Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I'll b sending an email soon. Check your inbox.


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